About me

I am a senior researcher at the University of Oslo, associated with the Reliable Systems group and the SIRIUS centre, where I work on formal methods for digital twins, software engineering for and with knowledge graphs, and deductive verification. Before I came to Oslo, I got my PhD from the Technical University of Darmstadt under the supervision of Reiner Hähnle.

My research focuses on the integration of technologies and theories from the Semantic Web with formal methods to specify, analyse and simulate data-heavy computational systems, in particular Digital Twins. I am developing and maintaining the SMOL language which enables programs to use knowledge graphs for reflection and data access. Furthermore, I research novel approaches to modularity in deductive program verification, in particular notions of contracts for distributed and hybrid systems. I am developing and maintaining Crowbar, a deductive verification system for Active Objects.

I am contributing to the ABS language and am maintaining its variability layer and its hybrid extension HABS.

You can find a list of my publications at dblp or Google Scholar. Preprints are published here, and slides of presentations here.

Recent and Upcoming Events

Awards: International Conference on Engineering Digital Twins

Our papers at EDTConf got awarded the Best Paper Award and the Best Short Paper Award! Thanks to all my co-authors and the selection committee. You find the preprints here and here.

Talk: MODELS Tutorial

I gave a tutorial on our work on semantic lifting and digital twins at MODELS’24, the slides are here.

Workshop an Asynchronous Program Models

The 6th Workshop on Asynchronous Program Models, successor of the ABS workshop series, was be held 02. - 04.10.24 in Turin, and was organized by Ferruccio Damiani, Luca Paolini, Gianluca Torta, and me.

Workshops at ISWC’24 on Software Lifecycle Management for Knowledge Graphs

I co-organize the 1st Workshop on Software Lifecycle Management for Knowledge Graphs and the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Industrial Information Modelling as part of ISWC’24

Talk: Lorentz Seminar

I am glad to have participated in the Lorentz Workshop on Contract Languages. The slides of my presentation are available here.

Talk: Dagstuhl Seminar

I am glad to have participated in the Dagstuhl Seminar 24061 on Are Knowledge Graphs Ready for the Real World?.


An instance of the KalkulierbaR tool for demonstrating different proof calculi is available at kbar.app, the source code to run an own instance is available on github.


I develop, maintain or contribute to the following software. For details, please click on the respective tool.


    Crowbar is a deductive verification tool for ABS, based on heavyweight symbolical execution and behavioral contracts.


    The Semantic Micro Object Language is an object oriented-language that implements semantic lifting: at runtime programs states are interpreted as knowledge graphs and enriched with ontological knowledge.


    KalkulierbaR is a webtool for teaching different proof calculi for predicate and first-order logic.

    Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS)

    ABS is a language for Abstract Behavioral Specification, which combines implementation-level specifications with verifiability, high-level design with executablity, and formal semantics with practical usability. ABS is a concurrent, object-oriented, modeling language that features functional data-types.


    KeY is a theorem prover for Java Dynamic Logic based on a sequent calculus.