
Models of Concurrency IN5170

Course, University of Oslo, 2023

In the autumn term of 2023 I am part of the lecturing team of IN5170, a graduate level course on models of concurrency. For details, please visit the official website.

Models of Concurrency IN5170

Course, University of Oslo, 2022

In the autumn term of 2022 I am part of the lecturing team of IN5170, a graduate level course on models of concurrency. For details, please visit the official website.

Analysis of Hybrid Systems

Course, Technical University of Darmstadt, 2020

In the summer term of 2020 I designed and taught a course on the anaylsis of hybrid systems at the Technical University of Darmstadt, which focused on Hybrid Automata and Differential Dynamic Logic. The course material is available here if you are enrolled at TU Darmstadt. If you want to access the material otherwise, please contact me.